As I walked into my living room Sunday morning I was blessed by this lone deer in our front yard.
So gracefully she sipped the morning rain water that had gathered in pools along our parkway.
As an added gift she turned toward our bay window as if to say, “I know your there. Take your best shot now.”
Like paparazzi after a celebrity, I attempted to follow as she headed back to the woods.
She slowed as if looking for a hidden door.
Pausing, she turned and looked directly at me before walking through her magic door and back into the safety of the woods.
These photographs were taken Sunday, August 30, 2009, at 10;15 a.m., in the 300 block of North Porter Street, Michigan City, Indiana. The woods is in front of our home and is surrounded by houses on three sides and the South Shore train tracks on the fourth side. This is not the first deer to be sighted here in the middle of the city and we often have herds during the winter wander through our yard. We are so blessed to have this patch of seemingly untouched nature within our daily few.