Refusing to listen, does not make it not so!
Once again we gather and drape ourselves in Red,White and Blue, as if this is the true sign of Patriotic Pride.
We question our newly selected presidential candidates about their Patriotism and judge by what they wear in their lapels.
Unless the meaning of those colors and the fibers of the material is woven into our hearts, it is all in vain. For a man is judge not by what he wraps himself in but by what he embraces and holds dear.
As we gather to celebrate the 232nd anniversary of the day we declared our Independence from Great Britain,and reflect on what so many have given that we may be here at this time, we need to ask, what are we willing to give to insure that 232 years from today, the torch of liberty, freedom and justice still burns strong. Beckoning to all who refuse to follow blindly into the abyss of fear.
One can only wonder when will we regain the spirit and courage of our forefathers? When will we stand up and say," No More."? It is prayed that today be that day. Together, united, we can defend our Independence.
"And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you FREE." John 8:32
For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
In a special program looking at issues surrounding oil & the economy, trends analyst Gerald Celente appeared for the full show. He was joined by investment adviser Catherine Austin Fitts & Matt Savinar in the last hour.Meltdown: The Economy & Oil
- The dollar has lost 41% of its value during the Bush administration, and we're going to see company failures so big they won't be able to be bailed out, like Bear Stearns, said Celente. He cited the Federal Reserve, which functions as a private company with no congressional oversight, as one of the major problems. Predicting food & gas riots, as well as tax revolts, Celente suggested diversifying your savings among a number of banks, if you have more than $100,000.
- Catherine Austin Fitts commented that the demise of Bear Stearns may have been a hit job, "cannibalized" for the good of other finance companies. There is an effort underway to centralize the economy and shift assets away from local communities, she warned. Fitts described these efforts as "economic warfare" being conducted on a global scale, that is fostered by technology and "invisible weaponry," such as satellites. The US economy is being purposely "pumped and dumped," she noted.
- Matt Savinar said global oil supplies have plateaued, and with lessening oil reserves it becomes increasingly expensive to bring up the remaining oil. Prices will continue to skyrocket upwards, he suggested, as we enter the down side of "peak oil." Tapping unused reserves in the United States and Canada will only postpone the problem for a short time, and the theory of abiotic oil is a kind of misinformation, Savinar argued. The oil crisis is an "economic 9-11," and we're going to see a crash worse than the Great Depression, Celente added. in the third hour, and oil expert
From July 3, 2008, Radio Show Coast to Coast AM . If you have never listen before, now is the time.
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