Merry Christ Mass! Rejoice! God is among us, today, yesterday and tomorrow! The shepherds were given the Good News by an angelic choir, singing His praises! They went to where they where told they would find this Infant King, not to any palace, but the humble manger. They found just what they had been told they would and left rejoicing and praising God! They were among the first to ever lay eyes on the face of God! Can you even begin to imagine what that could have been like? I know that today we don't seem to hear or even see angelic choirs giving directions on anything. And for most of us it is getting harder to see God, much less His Holy Face, in this tumultuous world we have created. But we have the promises from God, Himself, that if we seek Him, He will find us and save us! He already has! He is the Good Shepherd seeking His lost! He is the jubilant Father, rejoicing over the return of His prodigal child (us)! Remember, God is the promise maker! God is the promise keeper! Seek Him for He is seeking you! Come home to Him, He waits with open arms to embrace us! Be the face of God in this dark and fret filled world! His plan is perfect! #nosmallfaith #kyeoj #TheJesusMovement @gee43 @gee543
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