Monday, May 4, 2009

Rambling On …

OMG! I have crossed into the Twilight Zone for real.

ND logo 1a

As I checked my morning paper The News-Dispatch I was some what surprised that they are actually attempting to get into the 21st Century by Tweeting.

You heard this right. The News-Dispatch is on Twitter.

Now I think this is a good move that they are making. Only hope they are more responsible in learning how to make it work for them and not against them.

As a former part of the print media as well as the Online world, it really pains me to hear of newspaper closing. Even the Boston Globe is having its problems.

It is very easy to most writers, editors and publishers to cast the stones at the Internet and say all their woes began with the World Wide Web. (Blame Al Gore for this as well, as the “Father” of the www.)

Several news outlets have caught on that it is better to let the world wide web work for you then to spend endless and meaningless efforts to thwart what is here.

CNN has a great relationship with the internet as well as Twitter. All hosts of CNN shows have Twitter sites as well as CNN itself.

The BBC as well at the New York Times. It is far past the time that regional and “small town” news media get with the 21st Century.

I am truly hopeful that with this step my own community will realize we are part of a much bigger picture.

We are a global people very hungry to know what is happening in every corner of the world. There is no “small news”, just something that someone somewhere is seeking to know. It is the media’s responsibility to bring it to the world’s attention, by every means that has been and will be made possible by the world of technology.

Welcome to the 21st Century! It is here and not leaving for another 91 years.